Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hanging By A Moment Here With You

There are so many moments in life I never want to forget. I never want to forget how happy I feel to be curled up on his lap on the couch outside. Or the joy when I wake up next to him. The other night we went to some playground. I had two little moments I want to cherish forever. The mini re-enactment of Romeo & Juliet's balcony scene with my protrayal of Romeo (knowing most of the lines) and Tony's Juliet only know the line of "Romeo O Romeo Wherefore art thou Romeo".
And then again at the end when he told the Princess that it was time to leave. He had to fight an evil dragon to save the Princess and bring her home. I love that he can open his imagination with me. So much happiness for me in those moments... then why still this fear...

I think I know..

It sucks to be in love.
Because once you have said those words
And given the person your heart
You are instantly vulnerable
They could hurt you so easily.

And yet, instead of enjoying being in love,
I sit here and fret that im going to get hurt again
That he will do to me what he has done to other girls
That he will find the same flaw in me other people have and leave me
That I will lose him.. and he is someone that cannot be replaced.

I wish I could be more independant
I wish I could be calm, cool and collected
I wish...

I can't believe someone so amazing has come into my life..
Please fate... can I keep this happiness for awhile?