Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Tick Tock Ticks Out Of Control

Something is wrong with me.. for numerous reasons I think this. One of these reasons is that I have been dreaming Halo for the past week. I have obviously been playing it far too much as of late. I have restrained from doing so this evening. It seems Halo made me forget the thoughts in my head. I feel that I can't voice how I feel anywhere. I am not even sure if I have compromised my blog.. after all.. my parents are on facebook. I fear posting any picture that could change their opinion on their daughter. Similar with any status update. I don't want to bore my friends with my problems. Nor my co-workers. I can't let what happened at my last store happen at this one. Can't let my guard completely down. Though I feel I can talk to some of them... I just... don't want them to think less of me.

I think less of me.

I have been upset with Tony... for silly reasons he would think. I just.. want him to value our time together as much as I do... because you never know when it could end. That and it seems our weekends are either taken up with time with friends or doing nothing.. I wish he would want to take me on a date or do something romantic/fun/unexpected together. I have been waiting for him to take me to the aquarium since we started dating.. But he isn't the first boy to promise me this. I am starting to dislike promises. Rarely, are promises kept. Whether it's promises to go somewhere, or to stay friends forever, or to meet again someday... They are all empty. Forgotten. Will I be forgotten just like these promises?

I am just another number in a corporation. I am just another citizen in this city.

Just another person...