Tuesday, December 23, 2008

In The Air Is The Feeling Of Christmas

Terrific.. the landlord wants to move into the suite that I am currently residing in.  Which means, lucky me. I need to find a place for February 1st. Joy eh?

I am a fan of Vancouver Transit and of Winter.. I mean due to less people being on the roads and the holiday season, they have increased skytrain times and gave us tons of space to fit in. There is only one problem.. and that is the people. Yes, it;s a busy city, yes it's the holiday season but you *don't* have to cram yourself into an already crammed skytrain!? HONESTLY PEOPLE!! WAIT THE LITTLE 30 seconds - 1 minute FOR THE NEXT SKYTRAIN!! Take this morning as an example.. TONS of people wanting to get on the skytrain to downtown.. they all cram in. I decided to wait for the next one instead of smooshing myself into the train. Next one came in less than 30 seconds and was hardly full. I found a seat right away. I just can't believe how rushed people are... CALM DOWN! It's funny for me to be saying calm down, I am usually the frantic one.  I just don't understand how people need to get on THAT SKYTRAIN right NOW. Even though it's packed full. 

And don't get me started on the people who take priority seating when someone who needs it is left standing nearby them. RUDE PEOPLE!! What is wrong with you!? Didn't your parents treat you any manners!? Honestly, I don't get it. Everyone needs to be a little more polite and less pushy. 


Well.. time for me to scout a new place to live on craigslist... wish me luck.
I desperately need it right now.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's Lovely Weather For A Sleigh Ride Together With You

I made a new friend tonight. It's nice to work at other locations. I worked in Gastown this evening with a wonderful barista.  I love having a good time at work, I haven't really had much fun at my new store. A lot of stress and a lot of baristas unsure of what they are doing.  It was snowing all day, and the tables on the patio had TONS of snow on top. I dared her to bus the snow on the table... soo funny. I suppose it's lame to anyone else, but we found it hilarious!! She did it in front of four cops too. Quite enjoyable.

The snow has been a lot more beautiful than I remember it being last year. It has been sparkling beautiful as it falls. I walk through a park to and from the skytrain station and it's absolutely stunnung. I would rather walk in the snow than in rain or blistering heat any day!! 

There is only one downside to the snowfall. It instills emotions of sadness within me. Winter's cold nights brings people close together, cuddle in warmth, families get closer. Especially when I find no one to play in the snow with. I always remember wanting to play in the snow, Mom had no energy, and with no siblings, I was left to try and build a snowman on my own... and of course, I have no snowman building skills. I failed. I felt sad. I hope the snow keeps falling so that maybe... Leo can come visit and play with me..

I want to play in the snow with you..

Friday, December 19, 2008

R.I.P. Sober Ramblings Made Easy (2005 - 2008)

I have given up the hope that my old blog (which was wrongfully deleted) would ever be recovered. I suppose it's kind of pathetic that I was very sad about losing my old blog. Three years of memories recorded. That was pretty much my entire life at college. Days of writing, lost, to the black hole (or wherever deleted blogs go). However, I decided that it shouldn't be the end of my blogging.  I enjoy writing my thoughts, not because I think anyone will read them or that I think my thoughts are genius, but just because, blogging helps me sort things out.

With my old blog gone, I say goodbye to my college years, goodbye to memories of 70 Below, goodbye to recorded memories of AKA House.

Let the new blog & life, start now.