Monday, October 4, 2010

She Had Something To Confess To But You Don't Have The Time

Inconsistent posts. I realize that. Not like I have many readers. But I do know I have at least one faithful one. *smiles*

I found out today that margarine can go moldy. Not a happy discovery. But one I have now made. I don't know why I thought margarine would never go bad. But seeing mold on margarine really was strange. Sort of makes me feel nauseous. Tony and I waste a lot of food it seems. I am not even totally sure how we manage to waste so much.

I house-sat for my cousin for a week and it was so wonderful. I felt ashamed coming back home. Her place is so nice and made me feel like ours was a dump. While on the island, I wanted to see Alleah... that never happened. I ran into one of my exes and it was the most awkward thing ever. And I have had my fair share of awkward moments. He seemed shaky. I felt trapped... like how do I escape this situation. Stuck in the deli section of the grocery store... all I wanted was a sandwich! Honestly, what were the odds. Later on in the week, I ran into Biff. He looked so good and slim. It was so nice seeing him... but again it was slightly awkward. I felt like I looked like a mess... and I can never tell who is my friend and who isn't these days.

Someone I played Halo with (I know.. I am a dork) was telling me that I need to have more faith in people because I was doubting everything he said, and was skeptical about anything nice he had to say. Perhaps that is true. But if I believe in people I can be let down. But then again, if I don't, I may never be truly happy. I am happy with Tony.. for sure, but I am scared he will leave me like everyone else seems to. He tells me not to think this way and I am trying, but that little thought is in there, lingering.

random post.. sorry..


  1. I know how you feel. So many of my friends have turned out to be shitty, and it makes it really hard to trust new people because of that :/

  2. It makes me love you more and more.

    I know I can always trust you :)
