Friday, March 12, 2010

Now You're Here & You Don't Know Why

I feel down and I can't quite explain it. I felt it yesterday too. Just a giant wave of melancholy. It's awfully silly to feel this way and I wish I could stop it but I feel so alone.. even with Tony. I am scared that I will push him away if I am always around. I am an only child! I should be used to being alone but nowadays it's immature and silly if I play make believe. It's considered crazy if I make up friends.

I feel friendless. Stupid, really, I know I have friends. But I never see them. I feel sad when I sit on the bus and see two girls giggling together or talking in secret. Or when a couple of girls come in to Starbucks and have a coffee. Talking to Kaitlyn and Steph through msn, fb or text just isn't the same as having them here. Talking to Alleah online.. never happens...I don't see Christy ever.. though we are supposed to see eachother Sunday. I hope I feel happier then.

Why do I always have feelings of loneliness... Wondering..


  1. I like the new layout!!
    I think there's a March melancholy for us women... I've been feeling AWFUL for the past two weeks with no explanation. Spring better get sprung soon!

  2. Me too. I've been feeling so crappy I've hardly even bothered to get dressed every day :(

  3. Maybe, and I like that "March Melancholy"

    Could be the name of an emo band :P
