Monday, February 23, 2009

It Takes You There

I hate how stupid emotional I get when it's close to my time of the month aka my inner turmoil! At least thats how I refer to it when I talk to Alex, she is such a funny girl. Leo likes to refer to it as my monster! Ah good times though. I have a sushi date with him tonight. I look forward to it because I won't be seeing him again 'til mid March. It's hard to handle not seeing him. He studies so hard. I really hope he doesn't go back for a second year.  This first year is hard enough for me to get by. I want this to be put behind us. I want what we had when I saw him in Edmonton. That's how it should be. We should be able to do our own thing and then chill afterwards. We should be happy. Instead, Leo is constantly stressed and filling his brain with information as much as he can and I am left wanting more. I don't see him often and it does get to me. I like to think I am patient but I freak out..

GAH speaking of freak out.. I just got a text message from the boyface. Apparently he is not feeling well.. so that means we are going to have to cancel and it will have been a complete month til i see him. I last saw him Valentine's Day. I won't see him again until March 14th if I am lucky...which I am not. He will probably have some big project to do or some major tests to study for. The first year together is supposed to be easy! This is not easy!... I don't feel like blogging anymore..


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