Sunday, June 28, 2009

Drink Up Me Hearties Yo Ho!

I really hate waking up with my contacts still in. Especially considering they are about two years old and are meant to be only worn for one month. Usually when I drink, I drink with people who know and they make sure I take them out. Neither of the people I drank with last night clued in. That's alright but now I fear for my eyes again. Dammit.

I HAVE SOMETHING I WOULD LIKE TO MINI RANT ABOUT: Customers. Wtf mate! WHY!? I just want to know why you do things sometimes. For example: Why do you insist on putting your straw wrappers on my hand off plane instead of in the garbage can that is a FOOT AWAY FROM YOU!? Honestly, are you that lazy or do you really not see the TWO garbage cans right there? Yesterday, I handed out a Caramel Frappuccino and went to go make another frappuccino. Next thing I know one of the girls calls me over and points out that she spilt a good inch or two of her drink on the counter.. How does one spill a frappuccino like that all over the counter? IT"S LIDDED!! When I looked at the frappuccino in her hand, the lid was still on perfectly fine. More of a mystery to me was that so did her whip cream. It looked fine.... what?

I never understood why I can't sleep the night after drinking. Why instead I wake up early. Back in the old days of AKA it seemed everyone would wake up early. We would all be chatting right now and then on our way to breakfast. But now, out of that house. Whenever I drink. I am usually awake, sitting and watching all the people around me sleep. Monica slept on the floor, I wish she slept on the bed. It makes me sad to see her on the floor... but she has plenty of pillows and blankets to keep warm. Tony is doing his normal sleeping thing in my bed. I think the only thing that is different is the fact that he is actually wearing pants this time! HA!

Hmmm... I want breakfast... I wonder if I wake them up...

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