Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Amber's Various Thoughts On A Wednesday

No, I will not take your $100 bill. This is a coffee shop and your purchase is only $3.89

Being late for work sucks. I feel like I let everyone down. Getting another pink piece of paper makes me sad. I don't want to focus on the negative. I want to focus on what I am getting right!

There is no Splenda, just use your common sense people. If all the sugar and sweetners are stocked up except Splenda.. it's not because your barista forgot to stock it. It's gone. Just chill and use another kind.

I hate seabus when it's filled to capacity... 400 people on one little boat making their way. At least there was a pretty pregnant woman to look at. She had that pregnant glow that people always talk about. The only thing I like more about Saebus at peak times over Seabus on Sundays... no children screaming and running around through the seats.

I laugh when people squat or bend over to try and see the seabus time from in front of our store. It makes me giggle because they look so silly.

Pretty pretty (and free!) headshots. Finally, I am getting on track to where I want to be heading.

I feel torn. I don't want to pretend to be naive and in a bubble, I feel that you are asking me to do so. I fear the summer. I contemplate moving there with you but I know I won't like it. Everyday I love the city more and more. Sure, there are things to complain about. But there are things to complain about no matter where you are. Glass half full/empty sort of thing. I know you read my last post. I don't know if you will read this one. But just know. I was angry, I was upset, and I was hurt. I feel like you have distanced yourself from me. You don't joke with me like that anymore you just laugh my silliness off and go "Oh, Amber".  I could be expecting too much. Or it could be possible that you aren't giving enough. I feel that I give so much of myself to you...I just want a little something in return...

This could be it... these fridays could be the last time we are together... these collective Friday's. It doesn't seem to worry you like it worries me. I hate the thought that 'if its meant to be, it will be'  That to me, is taking the lazy way out. Where is the work in sitting back and letting it be in fates hand. Fate only plays a small role. It's up to you to fight for what you want.. People don't sit around and let fate pick their careers. They work for it. So why should people let fate pick their lover?

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