Monday, April 6, 2009

Thanks Mr. Hobo!! You Just Saved Me $1.46

Was walking home from the quay. I was really wanting a slurpee. I got to my intersection and could see that darn scruffy hobo sitting outside sevvie, asking for change.. dammit. So thanks Mr Hobo!! You saved me $1.46! Mr Hobo is what keeps me from me and my slurpee of wonders!!

Today, at work, I had a guy yell at me because there are no public washrooms in Waterfront Station (where my starbucks is). When I told him there was none he flipped out, and I tried to tell him where the nearest one was but he wouldn't shut up long enough for me to get a word in. He yelled at me that he would call the papers, and the tv networks (like they care) and demanded to know why there were no washrooms. I got frustrated at this point and told him that it wasn't my fault. He calmed down for a second and was all "I am not blaming you." To which I asked, "Then why are you yelling at me, as if I have control over this?" And off he went again, shouting about how we are a coffee shop that doesn't have a bathroom even though we serve coffee. Which pissed me off more, I told him to complain to the designers of the starbucks who BUILT IT IN 1987!! F***ing moron. He continued to rant and I walked away and told him that if he didn't want to know where the nearest washroom is, then he should just leave me alone so I can clean the condiment stand and with that, I walked away from him. Still fuming.

Like seriously... it isn't my fault and I am not getting paid to listen to you rant and yell at me that there is no bathroom in the building.

I would like to say, I love living in North Vancouver, and I enjoy riding the seabus... EXCEPT ON SUNDAYS!! Seriously, WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE ON SUNDAYS!? All of a sudden, they can't stop gawking out windows and walking around so slowly!! Then they all glomp onto the escalators and stand there in my way like zombies. ITS STAND RIGHT, WALK LEFT PEOPLE!! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY!!! Why is it on Sundays, they can't give me that courtesy? Just because they are having a lazy sunday, doesn't mean everybody is. I have to get to work but I am stuck behind a throng of ESCALATOR ZOMBIES who don't seem to understand walking up on the left side or standing on the RIGHT SIDE!!

**grumbles grumbles** thank gawd that tomorrow is Monday and Monday - Friday people know how to act on the escalators..

1 comment:

  1. Ugh! I KNOW! I yell at people if they're standing on the left side. Hahhaa. But YAY for saving $1.46!! (Although I DO love slurpee's....)
